Smart spesialisering hjelper regioner til å bruke styrkene sine for å øke vekst og velstand.
Varighet | August 2019 - september 2021 |
Totalbudsjett | |
Trøndelag fylkeskommunes budsjett | |
Koordinator | Per Erik Sørås |
EU-program | Interreg Baltic Sea Region |
Prosjektets hjemmeside |
Om prosjektet
Smart specialisation helps regions to use their strengths to boost growth and prosperity. Yet, many regions lack methods or institutional frameworks to implement it successfully. The BSR S3 Ecosystem platform aligns smart specialisation initiatives to better steer investments across the Baltic Sea region. By sharing best practices, it activates research and academic communities, industry and public entities to strengthen the regional innovation ecosystem. The platform builds on the experiences of Interreg Baltic Sea Region’s projects LARS,BSR Stars S3, Smart-up BSR and GoSmart BSR, as well as S34 Growth, BIOREGIO, ClusterFy and TraCS3, co-founded by Interreg Europe.